
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Move!

I guess you have heard by now I am moving to second grade.... This comes as "bitter sweet". Soooo excited to teach second grade, and yet sad to leave my pre-school buddies! However, it is time to move and of course Liz wants me to blog every step of the way.... So here goes!

I'm back!!!!! My old classroom across the street that is! 9 years ago when my very own babies were just 4 - I was in this same classroom teaching K4! My theme was Honey Bear Lane and it was filled with bees and bears! Many years later and several grade changes I find myself back in my old stomping ground... And loving every minute of it! 
So we ( my kids and I - I believe strongly in child labor! ) began the project of tearing down bulletin board paper, and cleaning and painting bookshelves! With the help of our fabulous maintenance crew the floors are now spotless, and the walls are a fresh, crisp white! It might be a tad bit on the smaller side... But it is already feeling like home and I am in Heaven! 
When I walked in 
These are the before and after painting pictures!!  
I will reveal my theme in my next blog. 

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