
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Restore my soul...

The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want. 
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness 
For His name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley
Of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil,
For you are with me;
Your rod and staff they comfort me,
You prepare a table before me 
In the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil; 
My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall
Follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord
So it is five o'clock in the morning and I am wide awake! And anyone who knows me, knows that is a problem! You see this girl can sleep any time, any where, morning, noon, and night... I love my sleep! But every so often I find  God gives me a stirring and for a few nights now it has been happening in my heart. So instead of paper to pen... I am on my I-pad (Liz is going to be so proud)! You see I am on vacation with my family in the Keys... Our family has a beautiful home on the water and has generously given it to us for the week. This is our 4th night here and I told our Uncle Tom we had only one small problem we may NEVER leave! And as I was laying in bed thinking about the past few days... I found myself so thankful and grateful for this time here... The words Rest, Rejuvenate, Restore, and Replenish all came to mind. I think as teachers we are equal to professional athletes in some ways... We give it our all... Like athletes who take the field we leave everything out there. Daily we go into our classrooms and whether it's K4 or High School we pour into these students everything we have for that season and when the year is over and the race is finished we are mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted! 
And that is just our professional life! Unlike every little one I've ever taught thinks... I actually do not live at school! Now mind you, I adore, love and cherish my role as a teacher. I think you have to... Or why on earth would you do it? I love that I can look at my life as a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and teacher and know that without a doubt I am EXACTLY where God wants me to be... I find great peace and joy in that. 
However, my cup was empty on arriving in the Keys this year... And needed desperately to be filled... And as I began each morning looking out over the beautiful view of the still water my cup began to fill...As we snorkeled in the ocean seeing his amazing filled a little more.... As sweet Key deer came up to us and ate apples from the palm of our hands...a little more.... As I watched my children laugh  and play Jenga and Apples to Apples without a care in the world...even more...As my hubby and I walked hand in filled.... And as I  sit here writing this with tears streaming down my cup runneth over. 
Thank you for your peace that only You can give, thank you for your love that You give so abundantly, and thank you Jesus for the complete Restoration of my soul.
Forever yours,

The view from my resting, rejuvenating, restoring, and replenishing spot. 

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