Happy Friday!! This week we chased the gingerbread man in our class!! I know I say this all the time, but this is one of my favorite days! I love to watch the kids face when the oven opens and the gingerbread is gone!!!
We begin, by reading a couple of different versions of the gingerbread man. I personally love the Gingerbread baby by Jan Brett. She is an amazing author!
We make the gingerbread man and put him in the oven. We ask the moms to watch the oven while we go out to play. When we come back, the gingerbread man smells soooo good. We gather around the oven and when we open it, He is GONE!!! And the adventure begins....We squeal and race all over campus looking for him. We finally catch up to him in our reading buddies room!! We then enjoy eating him...
BUT...I have to tell you all what happened next....We have writing workshop and I had my kids draw a picture of the gingerbread man and what part of the day they liked the best. One of the kids looked at me and said, "What if my gingerbread man jumps off the page and runs away?" Well, I could not let that go. The next morning, I replaced plain paper for the ones they had all made. (they put things in their "mailbox" when they finish something). I asked my most animated child to go and get her picture so we could show the librarian what we did. WELL....when she pulled out a blank paper, she was FLOORED!! It was precious!!! I love this age and their sense of wonder!
Here are some fun pictures of our day...
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