
Friday, June 7, 2013

end of year

feeling so happy!  One of my sweet Kindergarten classes graduated from Boca Christian tonight!  I am so honored to have been a part of your Christian education....You will always hold a very Special place in my heart...Go out and change the world, I know you will!!!
Love, Kim

The year was 2001 and Kim was pregnant with twins!  She was teaching half day Kindergarten and loving this class!  It just so happened that our headmaster called me to ask if I would be willing to take over for Kim when she had the babies....little did I know that this was exactly God's plan....You see I had a baby of my own at home and the thought of leaving him with someone to take care of a classroom of children was more than I could bare.  But when The Lord speaks, you must obey....and hindsight is always 20/20 isn't it?  Saying yes to this job, brought me the joy Kim was speaking about with this incredible group of kids who I do believe will change the World and have seen amazing revival in our very school through the lives of these kids, but God also set in motion a friendship that would bring us not only 2preschoolpals, but a true kindred spirit, a hand of a friend, a sister and a bond that is as strong as family as only The Lord can do....and that is only the tip of all that God did through that one act of obedience!  

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