
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hostess with the Mostest?!

Volunteer Appreciation goody bag
get your own labels  HERE!

Hello Everyone!

I am still not very good at this whole Blogging thing but Liz told me I had to tell about my 50's Volunteer event which was this past Friday. Our teachers put on a Volunteer Breakfast for all of our WONDERFUL volunteers! And part of my job as a part-time Administrative Assistant is to organize and decorate the event...from food, and songs to decorations and gifts the theme this year was The 50's! In past years we've had a Western Dude Ranch, The Disney Gang and  Pirates! Well, from the teachers singing "to know, know, know them is to love, love, love them" and  the Lollipop song it was a hit! I'll try to post the songs in the next couple of days so you can see them! Until then I'll leave you with a few photos....

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