
Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Linking up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade for the July Currently!   I am very excited that is still a month and a half of summer and the 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays!!

Listening: This summer my kids sleep in and I usually slept right with them.  I am trying to get up earlier this summer so I am not in complete shock in August but also I have really enjoyed a quiet house.  I drink coffee, read my devotions, blog, and have been catching up on some reading.
My daughter Victoria graduated college

My daughter Alexandra graduated high school
my son Nicholas is 14 and taller than all us girls.
Now you see why I get my mornings to myself....they are big!!  Those of you with little ones, this all goes way too fast and I really don't know how this happened!!  :P

Loving:  That my sister and husband and 3 adorable children are moving back to Florida!!  I have been without them for a year and I am excited to not be crying anymore!  Wow, I've missed them!!
I had one niece in my class a year ago and now I get to have the other niece this year! excited!!
Thinking: about school and the next year and all the new things I want to do wayyyy too much!!  I should be sitting on the beach and turning my brain off!!  I made new labels for my cohort and I for our themed rooms!
It's in our teachers notebook store HERE!
And you can pick up the Sea theme HERE!
Wanting: to be consistent with my workouts!  Yes I join the millions of ladies who always wants to shed a few pounds and have amazing arms and abs...but's ok as long as we keep trying, right??  and who is kidding who?  I love being in my 40's and being a mom and wife!!

Needing:  This is where I need your ideas!!!  I am accumulating too many cute things digitally and I need a system to organize my digital files.... HELP!!!

Tips, Tricks, and Hints: This is a tip or trick that Miss Kindergarten told us all about and revolutionized my whole classroom!  When you label all those cute name cards and job cards exc. with a sharpie.  Well if you take a dry erase marker and color over the top of the sharpie...scribble it up and then wipe with a paper towel, it disappears! 
 SO EASY!!! wish I had pictures to show you....but I promise it works!!

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