
Friday, July 19, 2013

Crate seats!

So, I caved and had to make those adorable crate seats that is blowing up Pinterest!  I made zebra print and it was so easy I am going back for the giraffe print and making 4 more!  
This is. How I did it: 
Figuring out what color crate and what color print you want is the hardest part. I got all the supplies at Walmart except for the wood at Home Depot. I bought hot pink crate and zebra print.  The fabric comes in 2 yards. 2 yards make 4 seats. I bought foam to pad the seat. Then I went to Home Depot and got the wood.  The nice man there cut it for me and showed me how I could get the cheapest deal! (Always love the deals).  I bought one sheet which is enough for 8 seats!  All you need is a staple gun and you are set!
I put fabric on a table, then placed the foam down, and then the wood, pulled taut and stapled all the way around. The edges I wrapped like a package. Best part is I can use the crates to store things in. 
As we say in my classroom:  easy peasy lemon squeezey!!


  1. Thank you! I really love them! I am painting a table next week to match...hope it works!!

  2. They look great!!! I'm thinking about making some.

    1. I think you should! So easy...and I can be pretty bad at crafting! :-)
