
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bitter Sweet

Just wondering?.... I know as teachers we have all  worked hard and poured our hearts and souls into these little ones. And I know we all long for Summer and a time to Relax and rejuvenate for the coming year. However, this is my second year teaching in a VPK  program and I'll loose well over half of my class to other schools ... This absolutely breaks my heart... The thought of never seeing them again is just so hard... In years past I've taught other grades and maybe I would loose one or two students from grade to grade... In fact, this years Senior class I taught in Kindergarten and a huge number of them have stayed! I know we see this as a ministry and we have one year to pour into these little ones their ABC's, 123's, the love of Jesus, and as many wonderful moments as possible... But on June 5th they will walk out my door and some I may never know if they are Doctors, teachers or Pastors...I may never see their sweet faces again...
Does anyone else struggle with this? Would love to hear from you... A teacher ready for Summer but sad to see the school year end...

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