
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone!!  Kim and I both took turns this last month being sick and nursing our families back to health.  There has been some wonderful things and very sad things in the month of December.  So I don't know about you, I am very excited for a new year!!!
This past month we created a great Christmas unit...we also created a parent packet for the parents to take home and work with their children over the break.  I can't wait to hear what the parents and kids thought.
I love trying new things out on the kids and seeing what works and what doesn't work.  My kids loved playing twister with the sight words and doing the alphabet match with a friend the best.
I hope you all had a wonderful New Years celebration!!  It is back to teaching on Monday....I can't wait to see the kids!
Our Christmas Extravaganza Unit can be viewed HERE!
We included a couple of freebies from the unit Here.

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