
Monday, June 24, 2013

Jungle Quilt

So my mom is this amazing quilter and she gave me a quilt for my classroom!!  I am amazed at her talent and so blessed to have a mom who loves me enough to make my room spectacular!  I love this quilt!  It is hung proudly when you enter my room!!

Lioness Arising!

While I was in my room I snuck a couple more pictures of things in my room....Oh and I got this amazing elephant table at my wonderful bestie Kim's garage sale!

This is the elephant!  Isn't is great....

Each year our school has a theme with a verse attached.
This is 2010/2013 theme!

This is my behavior chart!  

Bad picture but I hung vine from my ceiling with flowers from the
dollar store and added a clothespin and bird.  I hang the kids work from the clothespins.

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