
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Western Round-Up

Happy Sunday!  Kim and I are getting ready to present thematic units to fellow teachers on Friday!  Wow!  Do I have a new appreciation for presenters.  I am amazed at how much work it is and what a blast it is!  The big thing is knowing when to stop..I think I could add new elements forever.  One of the units we are showcasing is our Western Round-Up where we collaborate with the other preschool teachers in our department.  We each take an element of a dude ranch and the kids travel from room to room dressed as cowboys and cowgirls and experience life on the range!  We have a rootin' tootin' good time!  Our unit spells out how we turn our rooms into thematic wonderlands and execute each element.
You can get our Western Round-Up Unit HERE!
Here is a preview of what you will get....
And what fun is it with no FREEBIE!!!
You can get our freebie here!

1 comment:

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